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Detective Davis' Visitor

05:36 Dec 30 2009
Times Read: 542

Jerrod Tzelekie.

The name haunted her. Dozens of counts against him for child abduction, beating, coercion, drugging, endangerment, fornication, genital mutilation, harassment, indecent acts...she let out a hollow chuckle as she realized that in a very black sort of way, the list of crimes the man racked up was almost humorous...as they seemed to cover every letter of the alphabet.

They had evidence. Blood, semen, hairs, testimony, even several films of the horrific things that the man...no, the MONSTER...had done to that group of kids. And the cherry on top was, at the scene of the crime, Jarrod himself confessed. Of course, the scumbag had later recanted under advice from his lawyer, but all the same!

A sigh of utter, soul-crushing disgust escaped the Detective as she reached forward to grab, and then eat from, the half forgotten ham sandwich on her desk, reveling in the momentary distraction of slightly stale bread and salty ham that was possibly just past its use-by date, or maybe just too warm for proper consumption. A quick swig of her room temperature, store brand orange soda, and the taste of the food is covered over by the not-citrus flavor of the beverage. She rested her head in her hands and just breathed for a few moments, and her eyes closed as she tried to drown out her own thoughts with her surrounding atmosphere, taking in the quiet bustle of the Station at midday...the muffled voices outside her office, the faint scent of fresh coffee and donuts (oh how she HATED that amazingly accurate cliche!), the cursing of random criminals being brought in, and the ever so faint scent of the heavy industrial cleaning products used to clean up the various fluids expelled from the various individuals who passed through the Stations not so hallowed halls.

She took another deep breath and raised her head, just in time to see a Junior Officer...Tom? Was that his name?...raise his hand to knock on her door. She closed the file on Tzelekie for now, making a mental note to come back to it at a later point, to find something, ANYTHING, she can use to get around double jeopardy and nail this son of a bitch to a wall.

She waved the officer in as he knocked, and leaned back in her chair casually, so as not to scare the new guy by being too intimidating.

"How can I help you, Officer?"

It either worked, or the young man had brass balls, as he walked right in and got to it immediately without missing a beat.

"Detective Davis, there's an older man here, says he has some information on the Tzelekie case. I informed him that the case was closed, on account of the trail and acquittal, but he seems pretty insistent, and I thought that, since, er..."

At this point, the calm facade DID break a bit and he suddenly seems very nervous...no doubt hesitant to speak of the Detective's obsession with this case, which was rapidly becoming something of an in-joke/sad story around the Station. To save the brave young pup from the faux pas he was about to make, the Detective slapped on a singularly false smile, more a smirk, really, and spoke.

"Since, er...I am so obsessed with a case that can't be tried again, so obsessed with catching this Tzelekie in something that we CAN try him for, that I might want to talk to him, and would likely stick whoever DIDN'T put this guy through to me in the basement Archives for the rest of their career, that you should show him through?"

The young officer blushed bright red, an interesting contrast to his police blues, a fact noted absently by the Detective, and nods vigorously, and made an over-the-shoulder thumb motion towards the front of the building, and managed to stammer out....

"Uh..yes Ma'am, something like that. Shall I...?"

Whatever he was going to finish saying never quite makes it out of his mouth, as Davis cut him off with a curt nod of her head, an action that caused one stray piece of brown hair to fall free of its clip and in front of her eye. After he left, she fixed the straggler and put the file on Tzelekie away in it's drawer, not wanting to give this fellow any more information than he already had. Despite her own opinion, vigilantism was still frowned on.

After a few moments, no doubt as he was being processed as a visitor, the young Officer came back with a man. Nothing, absolutely nothing, about this man stood out. Roughly 5'7", about 150 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, simple features with nothing prominent, blue jeans, a tan shirt with a simple black coat, and brown and tan sneakers. If 'unremarkable' had a picture next to it in the dictionary, it was this man right here. Only his age was difficult to place, somewhere between 50-70 years old, an older man indeed, who obviously looked after himself.

Davis shoo'd the officer out of the room, and waved casually with her right hand at one of the two seats in front of her desk, and then leaned forward, this time trying to be a BIT intimidating.

"I'm told you have some information about Jerrod Tzelekie for me?"

The man smiled at her, then, and there was something in it...pity? No, that wasn't it...sadness? Perhaps. She'd have to think about it...but later, as the man spoke with a soft, unassuming voice that seemed, somehow, to be...missing something.

"Hello, Detective Davis. My name is Jonathan Liebermann. It's a pleasure to meet you too."

Detective Davis said nothing in response. Perhaps she had been rude to jump right to the point, perhaps she could have been a bit friendlier to this guy bringing her information. Perhaps she also didn't care. She remained silent, and waited for him to get over the heartbreak of her having not engaged in social niceties.

"I see. Right to business, then. This man, Jerrod Tzelekie. You hunt the facts around him, searching for something, anything that your fellow investigators missed. Something that you can use to bring him back to trial, and punish him for the horrific atrocities he committed on those children. Am I correct?"

She narrowed her eyes a bit and nodded. She was reluctant to admit her obsessive hunt for some way to destroy Tzelekie, but this man seemed harmless enough, if a little...odd. Jonathan opens his mouth, and his oddly...crippled? Was that the word?...voice quietly filled the room again.

"You need to stop. You know there is no more information. No more facts. You know there is no more crime left to uncover. The beast had all his secrets unearthed, and even armed with that and a confession, recanted or otherwise, you could find nothing."

Her eyes widened at that, and she almost laughed out of sheer incredulity. When she spoke, her voice was as inflamed as his was cool, rage leaking around the edges of police-trained control like water in a leaky dam.

"Now you listen here, bub. You have NO IDEA what you you're talking about. NONE. There is ALWAYS more information, always something else to uncover. Someone like Tzelekie doesn't just happen overnight. They don't just wake up one day and decide "Oo, you know what sounds fun? Destroying a bunch of children!" All but ONE of those kids is DEAD now, AND the Doctor who was trying to save their lives is dead too, by the same chemical! That man has caused more damage in the span of six months than I can even begin to think about! And then, he gets off the hook after a Jury acquits him on all counts, AND the Judge puts a stop to all re-trials?? And you want me to just give it up, mm? Justice is served, is that what you're telling me??"

If fury had a scent, the room would have reeked of it. If anger had a flavor, both of them would have been gagging on it. It poured from her like heat-waves in the desert, such was its intensity. But amidst the barely bridled storm of her anger, Jonathan sat quietly, a solid piece of ice in the smelter of her rage. Once she had finished, he spoke again, his tone utterly unchanged.

"Doctor Thompson is dead? That is a tragedy, indeed. But yes. That is exactly what I am telling you, with one exception. Justice has not been served. But it is in the process of it, right now. Literally, as we speak, Justice moves to correct the wrongs perpetuated by the beast. But that's not why I am here, not directly."

He leaned forward, and that's when the Detective saw it. Six small scars, two on his forehead, and two on either side of his upper face, one directly on either temple, and one directly underneath those two.

"You might have noticed I am somewhat...calmer...than most people you have noticed. That is because I was like you, once. Once, I suffered a tragedy. A terrible thing, so terrible it roused from its slumber something...both worse, and so much better. This man destroyed what had destroyed me, destroyed my life, when no one else could, when the one who had destroyed me thought himself untouchable. What happened to him...lets just say that because of his punishment, no one will ever want to follow in his footsteps."

The Detective, her fury calming itself but still present behind her eyes, leaned back again in her chair, the old man following suit. She spoke, and when she did so, this time, it was MUCH calmer than before.

"And that has what, exactly, to do with me? I've very sorry for whatever it was you went through...I really am...but I fail to see how that, or your mystery man, or any of it has anything to do with my case."

He smiled again, the exact same smile that he had before, and that was when she caught it. The thing that was in his smile was the same thing that was wrong with his voice. There was no emotion. Nothing. Not a scrap. What she mistook for sadness was simply loss...a loss of emotion that she had never seen before. The complete lack startled her, and she felt the rest of her anger dribbling away, replaced by a mixture of..fear? No, anxiety.

"He came because of my rage. 'The fury of a righteous man.', he told me. I didn't want him to do what he did...I wanted to do it. I wanted to break the man beneath my fingers, grind his bones to powder and put his family into a meat grinder, for what he had done, to me, and the others. I wanted to obliterate him. And he...he destroyed him. He made an example of him. He did more than I ever could...and yet, it was not enough. I wanted more. I wanted to bathe in his blood and drink his screams."

At this point, he lack of emotions was positively disturbing. The old man spoke of murder and torture with all the emotional intensity of someone making a shopping list. Less, even. Detective Davis just remained in her seat, somehow riveted into silence by the story being told to her.

"The hatred I held contained within me was slowly driving me mad. It would have destroyed me, as well as anyone around me. It may even have made ME into a lunatic, and who knows what I would have done then. It was unreasonable, unthinking rage, the kind of thing that makes monsters of men. When he was done with the monster that destroyed me, he returned, for me. He told me what he had done to the person who destroyed me, and offered me a choice...be happy with the result, or have my rage taken from me. Of course, I could not let it go. It wasn't enough for me. I attacked him. It was...foolish, of course, no one could stand against him, not an army, and certainly not one starved prisoner. He batted me aside like you would a fly, and then...he reached into my mind. Literally, reached in. I could feel his fingers in my mind, in my skull, and he took it. My rage. But...there was a price. Rage like that, it doesn't stay in one part of you. It infects, infests, all of your being, working its insidious way throughout every fiber of who you are...until all that is left is the rage. So he took that, too. He took everything, absolutely everything that I felt, and left. I have not seen him since. But I know, now, that he has awoken again. When I heard about Jerrod Tzelekie, when I heard what had done, and the insanity that lead to his acquittal...I knew he would awaken. That he would walk the earth again, to punish this man. The others have confirmed it. And he will erase all things that brought him here, making an example of him so that it never happens again. So I beg you, Detective. Let. This. Go. Or he will come for you, as well, to silence your rage, your hate. To take it away, so that you are at peace...forever. "

She stared at him, her mouth slightly open. She...couldn't believe what she was hearing. She can't fathom or understand this...black faerie tale that this old man was spouting. But...something niggled at the back of her mind. She could always, ALWAYS tell when someone was lying. ALWAYS. And she didn't get that from this man. Gun to her head, she would've said he spoke the truth. And she didn't know how to handle that. So, she responded as any Detective might. With questions.

"Who? Who, and what, is this 'man' you keep speaking of? What others? Who are you, Jonathan, really? What's going to happen to Tzelekie?"

He smiled again, that same empty smile, though maybe he pushed it up a bit more in a futile attempt to add a warmth that was just no longer there.

"His name is Ahz'real. He is the Firstborn Son. The best description I could give him is that he is...the older brother of Man. He doesn't speak much of himself, you understand. We call ourselves the Children of Ahz'real, those of us who have had our lives touched, saved, by him. As for the fate of the beast...I do not know. But if Ahz'real hunts him...even the Devil would blush at what is going to happen to him."

She stared, her natural skepticism, for the moment, replaced more by curiosity. Again, she could not tell that the man is lying, but still. It was too much. She raised an eyebrow when Jonathan mentions the mans name, and cocked her head to one side.

"I thought Azreal was the name of some angel, like war, or pestilence, or something."

Jonathan shook his head, and a normal person would likely have chuckled, but he did not, as he longer possessed the desire to.

"No, no. You're thinking of the Angel of Death. He pronounces it Ahz'real, and from what I understand, the Angel was named for him, not the other way around."

She blinked at the now almost matter-of-fact conversation about angels, Satan, and some guy with a vigilante streak. She shook her head as if to clear it, and smiled somewhat sardonically at the older gentleman seated across from her.

"Well, Jonathan...I will certainly take what you have said into account. I have to admit, I am somewhat skeptical, but you are drooling less than the average lunatic that comes through here, so I will take what you say with a grain of salt. Now, if you will excuse me, I have work to do."

Quietly, with a grace belying his age, Jonathan rose seamlessly from his seat and made for the door, and turned one last time before exiting...

"Please. Listen to what I have to say. Let go of your rage, your anger. Know that justice will be done. Let it go...or it will be taken. And nothing happens without cost, Detective. Nothing."

..and with that, he walked out of the office, and out of the Station, leaving a slightly flabbergasted Detective sitting in her chair. She reached down to the drawer with the Tzelekie casefile, and began to open it, and then stopped mid-grab.

"Maybe I'll go get some lunch. Clear my head, first."

And rose, walked out of the office, and out of the Station.



07:04 Jan 15 2010

Most excellent. They get better each chapter. :)


Doctor Thompsons Sacrifice

09:46 Dec 02 2009
Times Read: 562

And then there was one.

Dr. Thompson couldn't keep the last line of that morbid nursery rhyme out of his mind as he filled out the death certificate for Timothy Jones, the latest of the Tzelekie Six to succumb to the horrific toxin coursing through their veins. He sighed a heavy, weary sigh and took another drink from his black coffee, filling his mouth with the tepid liquid as he filled his nostrils with the acrid scent, temporarily removing the painfully sterile hospital scent from them in the process. He swishes the fluid in his mouth a bit, as if to clear out the bad taste he always developed from filling out such reports, before swallowing it down.

He rises, and walks to the specialized ICU observation window where the remaining child slumbers, connected to all manners of life support machines softly whirring away, their mechanical artifices the only thing standing between the wasted body of the young girl and total renal and organ failure.

He shakes his head, and looks at her chart, still hanging beneath the window, the other five like it already cleared away with the deceased, and once again, futilely, he pores over the information there. Once again, with no more revelation than before, he reads the diagnosis. Once again, he depresses himself reading about how this little girls body is trying to destroy itself in the process of clearing out whatever chemical it was that was ripping her apart and had destroyed her mind, leaving her a slight, withered shadow. Once again, that feeling of hopelessness settles on his heart, as he knows that it is just a matter of time before this child's body practically liquefies internally, erasing all traces of the chemical, and extinguishing another life.

Another life taken by that MONSTER, Tzelekie, a monster who somehow walked scott free after a jury of his peers declared him innocent, and the Judge disallowed a re-trial.

He looks up again, and this time, almost has a heart attack, as he sees a tall, darkly clothed...man?...in the room, some sort of weird curved sword at his side, one gloved hand delicately stroking the side of the child's face, as though she were made of ash, and would crumble if any more pressure were applied. Without thinking, he steps back and slams his hand down on the bright red alarm button...but to no avail. All he hears is an ominous clicking sound, no flashing lights, no alarms going off, nothing. He hits it a few more times, before running to one of the double doors, shouting for help, that there was a strange man in the ICU, calling for the police he knew were just on the other side of the door. Gripped by a deep seated, irrational fear of the figure in the room, he franticly shakes the now suddenly locked doors, pounding on them with his fist, desperately trying to get the attention of the guard just...on other side...with no results except the guard absently scratching his nose, oblivious to the doctors cries for help.

"Doctor. Shh. She's sleeping."

Doctor Thompson had heard horrible things in his life. Bones being sawed through. Skulls fractured. Arms and legs being broken to reset them. This thing, passing for a voice, sounded like all of them, being rolled over gravel and spat out like a bad piece of meat. Slowly, his heart still gripped by an unfathomable terror, he turns to look into the brilliant blue eyes of the creature before him, then, moving from his eyes to the only exposed skin he could see, the mangled and scar ridden surface that passed for Ahz'real's face, and back to the strangely sad and lost cerulean orbs that locked onto him like a vice.


He stammers the question out, trying desperately to get a grip both on his voice, which fluttered like a baby bird with a broken wing, and his heart, which was racing a million miles an hour.

"My name is Ahz'real. Don't be afraid...I'm here to offer you a choice."

Ahz'real takes a step back, his duster fluttering around his boots in the still air of the corridor as he does so, and he turns and walks tot he window, placing one black-leather-clad glove on the glass as he looks inside. He turns his head and moves some of the greasy, chin length blond hair from his face with his other hand, gesturing for the doctor to come and look as well.

"This girl...this child...has 15 minutes to live, Doctor. Did you know...she wanted a fire truck for her birthday? She would have had her first kiss at 16, a boy named Tommy. She would have joined the fire department, and in 30 years time, been responsible for saving almost every life in this hospital when it catches on fire from an idiot orderly dropping a cigar butt into a trash can, to say nothing of the lives she would have been personally responsible for saving in other blazes. She would have lived to 157, thanks to a drug designed to prolong life, created, ironically, by your son Joseph."

The Doctor gets an incredibly confused look on his face, before speaking up softly, trying to read this manthings intent on his face, looking for something, anything, that makes sense in the mess of scar tissue.

"I...don't have a son. Or any children, for that matter. We've been trying for years, but..."

Ahz'real smiles, and pulls something wrapped in tissue paper from one of the pockets in the duster. He hands it over to the Doctor, who carefully unwraps it to reveal...a home pregnancy test. A POSITIVE home pregnancy test. The Doctor turns bright read and smiles despite himself, practically beaming, a light in his eyes so bright it almost overshadows the darkness radiating from Ahz'real.

"I...this is...this in incredible!.I'm going to have a child, a boy!"

Ahz'real does not join the Doctor in his mirth, merely continuing to look in on the child, staring at her, unmoving, as if he were suddenly made of marble. The Doctor looks at him, and suddenly frowns, remembering the words that the black-clad man had used when he first appeared to the Doctor.

"Wait. You said I had a choice to make. What is it?"

Ahz'real smiles, then, though no mirth lives in the curve of his lips. He turns his face to look Doctor Thompson in the eyes, and he sighs, and speaks very softly, placing his hand on the mans shoulder, like he was an old friend or a brother...a move the Doctor had used a thousand times before when delivering the worst kind of news.

"Doctor Thompson...Elijah, may I call you Elijah?...the choice is this. You can allow this girl to die, raise your son, and continue your life as it is. You will not be blamed or punished for this, your life is your own to live and do with as you see fit. You can live your life out to it's fullness, continue your good work, and no one will know of this night except you and I. Or..."

It is at this point that Ahz'real's face...twists, and with a strange rushing sound, the Doctor finds himself in the ICU with the girl, whose face seems to be getting paler every moment, the machines registering a rise in renal fluids and a drop in blood pressure...all signs that this little girl had very little time left.

"Or...you can sacrifice your life for this little girls. I can exchange the toxin in her body to yours, transferring the damage from her to you. Your life will be strong enough to purge her body of what is killing her, and repair the damage done to her...but in the process, YOU will die, your organs will fail, and, I am sorry to say...it will not be a painless process. It will hurt. A lot."

The Doctors face hardens a bit, then, as he weighs the options. His Hippocratic Oath pushes him to accept the creatures offer, but the recent revelation of his son drags him to a much more selfish choice as well. He inhales deeply, and looks at Ahz'real, clutching the pregnancy test to his chest.

"Tell me one thing, Ahz'real, or whatever your name is. The monster who did this. What's going to happen to him? Is my child going to be raised in a world with that slime in it? Will my SON be safe? Or is someone else going to have to make this same choice for him one day?"

Ahz'real's smile shifts slight. His eyes narrow, and perhaps the corners of his ruined lips turn up a bit more, and when he speaks, it is as if the very air around his mouth chills to freezing with the raw, frozen fury that encapsulates his words.

"I assure you. No matter your choice. Tzelekie will be made an example of in such a way that no one, for the rest of time, will want to follow in his footsteps."

Doctor Thompson steps back from the girl, then looks at the pregnancy test, and looks at Ahz'real again, and back to Samantha, his mind whirling with a thousand different things...but in the end, he knew what he was going to do. He had always known from the moment that Ahz'real had said he had a choice. He was a Doctor. He saved lives. No matter the cost.

" 'If you're frightened of dying, and you're holding on, you'll see devils tearing your life away, but if you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels, freeing you from the earth'. I've made my peace, and I accept your offer to save this girl, Ahz'real. Just answer me two questions, before...before I go. Who are you, really? And why me?"

Ahz'real smiles, and moves forward much faster than the Doctor would have expected, getting behind him in a blur of motion that well exceeded human norm, removing his gloves to reveal hands as damaged and ruined as his face, and then places his hand on the back of the Doctors head, and on the forehead of the girl.

"I am Ahz'real, the Firstborn Son. And because, my dear child, because..."

And it begins. Ahz'real mumbles something, a single word under his breath that the Doctor just doesn't quite catch. The girls body jerks and spasms, as does the Doctors, but whereas the girl feels nothing...Elijah feels EVERYTHING. He feels the toxin suddenly enter his system, feels it begin to strip away at his mind, feels it pull on his bones, can almost feel his skeleton hollow out as the bone marrow rapidly decays...feels the cell structure in his skin begin to thin and fray, smells the scent of blood as it fills his nostrils, looses control of his body and muscles, feels his heart begin to slow as his lungs fill with fluid, and his entire world becomes nothing but pain....

Moments stretch into minutes, and minutes stretch into eternity. Ahz'real releases the girls forehead as color and health rush back into her face, and catches the doctor as he falls, sputtering and crying, to the floor, and holds him almost tenderly to his chest, gently running his mangled hands over the doctors now blotchy, sweat stained forehead as the last of his life begins to leave him.

"...because you are my great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandson, Elijah. It could only have been you. Rest now, my child. Rest, and know you have done your line proud. Your son will grow strong and healthy, your family looked after. Sleep now."

There is at first a look of utter confusion on Elijah's face, until his life begins to flash before his eyes...up to this moment...and Ahz'real closes his now tear filled eyes and speaks that strange word again, and Elijah sees..sees his son. See's him grow. See's him develop into a medical scientist, sees him develop vaccines, medicines...all because of the exposure to this strange chemical that struck his father down. And with that knowledge firmly in his mind...he squeezes the pregnancy test once more...and exhales for the last time.

It's a long time before Ahz'real moves again. When he does, he stands, placing the body in neat repose on the floor next to the girl, putting the test in his right hand, and draping that hand across his chest to rest over his heart. He touches the still face of Elijah once last time, before he rises and looks at the girl, who is now sleeping peacefully, with no trace of that horrific chemical in her body. With a heavy heart, Ahz'real walks slowly out of the ICU to the alarm button, and presses it, setting of the alarm that he had dampened before.

The guard bursts into the room, gun drawn, only to see nothing in the corridor. He uses his shoulder mounted radio to call for backup before running tot he ICU and seeing the Doctor, dead on the floor. Minutes later, the doctor is pronounced dead at the scene, from a heart attack caused, it is later determined, by the same chemical that was killing the girl. He receives a heroes funeral, his family given a ripe pension by the hospital, and the little girl recovers within months.

And somewhere, on the path of Vengeance, Ahz'real chalks up another body to Tzelekie.



02:29 Jan 02 2010

LOVE this! :)

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